Pharma Puglia


About Us

We connect buyers and sellers with suitable, eco-friendly products

The project involves the purchase and planting of plants typical of the southern Daunian sub-Apennine countryside from the Regional Agency for Irrigue and Forestry Activities (Arif) Puglia such as laurel, carob, hawthorn and similar, and also from local producers who sell plants such as oregano, mint, rosemary and others.

The objective is to improve the environment for the benefit of the community, take an active part in the protection of the area’s native species, contribute to the reproductive process of insects and especially bees and contribute to the reduction of Co2 emissions. The plan includes, among other things, initiatives aimed at improving the overall conditions of workers through: the creation of a more pleasant working environment; the possibility of enjoying the aromatic herbs and edible plants planted; the involvement of schools through guided visits for training and educational purposes.


Our environmental policy

Pharma Puglia SA a rl intends to contribute to the protection of nature and biodiversity with particular attention to the flora and fauna present in the territory in which it carries out its activity, through balanced management of resources and action aimed at continuous eco-sustainable development , for the pursuit of collective well-being and the health of its workers.

The company policy is implemented through compliance with compliance obligations, continuous improvement of environmental performance, prevention, culture and training on environmental protection. Compliance with applicable compliance obligations is implemented through application identification, communication, deployment, assessment and surveillance processes.


Environmental prevention

Environmental protection and pollution prevention are achieved through continuous research into innovative, technological and management solutions aimed at minimizing impacts on the environment, with particular attention to the management of possible environmental emergencies and with a specific commitment to reducing company energy consumption.


Environmental culture and professional growth

The development, at every level, of a sense of responsibility towards the environment is achieved through adequate knowledge of environmental aspects, which can be acquired through information, education and training initiatives commensurate with the commitment of everyone in the Organization.

Allowing concrete knowledge of the resources available, and of the effects that certain actions can have on the environment, makes the behavior of each individual virtuous.

Likewise, full awareness of the products and materials purchased contributes to the development of an environmental culture that enables one to select the materials to purchase and to avoid purchasing materials coming from natural reserves and protected natural areas.

To this end, the Management of Pharma Puglia SA a rl is committed to ensuring that the Environmental Policy is understood, implemented and supported by all collaborators.


Management of environmental effects

To contain the impact of company activity, it is essential to: monitor and, where possible, reduce atmospheric emissions from polluting sources present in the company’s daily operations; control the production and disposal of waste, trying, where possible, to reduce the quantity and risk; analyze and optimize energy and water consumption; optimize the use and reduce the quantities of chemical products used, limiting waste of fertilizers and replacing or reducing the use of agrochemicals with alternative systems such as Integrateci Pest Management; favor products made with limited use of polluting products in favor of more worthy products from the point of view of environmental protection; promote correct environmental behavior among customers; implement a maintenance management system that contributes to reducing waste and accidents with repercussions on the environment; train and inform internal and external staff on nature protection and the effects of actions that damage the environment.